Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Awkward Tourist Gifts

Its always a difficult task to bring back gifts for family and friends, you want to buy something that is unique to the area your visiting, and made locally.  This is generally an expedition that does not yield these fruits, instead you end up buying generic Chinese crafted merchandise that you can get anywhere in the world.

Walking around DC today, I ventured into the White House Gift Shop (for the first time) and chuckled to myself as I looked at the merchandise on offer.

A Michelle Obama 'carrier bag' the caption below reads "First Lady of Fabulous"
Now I ask why is the White House attached to a parachute and whats with Bambi?

Christmas Ornaments of Michelle Obama - Hmmm*

The Dome of the Capitol building functioning as a Serving Tangine.  I have no words.  (A tangine is a plate like bottom with a conical shaped lid) I'll buy 8 to complete my dinner set, it screams class?

Michelle Obama bobble head with a Barack Obama action figure.  I do own a Barack action figure with the tag line 'An Action Figure We Can Believe In' on Justin's suggestion maybe I should purchase a Michelle bobble head, it will be like owning Ken and Barbie.

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