This was the case on June 10th the day before Justin arrived from the USA for Soccer World Cup 2010 and a whirl wind tour of my gorgeous country South Africa. Here on vacation from Washington DC, yes he traded the warm but humid DC temperatures for the bitting cold of Southern Africa or at least Johannesburg. But it would turn out to be an awesome week long excursion.
Running late for goodness knows what reason I arrive at the airport in a bit of a tiz, and being me I need about 15 minutes to gain composure from a frantic state of not being able to find parking and the rig morale of finding the entrance to the terminal at Oliver Tambo International.
Justin miraculously found me amidst the chaos that JNB was in. How I dont know I might attribute it to his super power as we would later discover his super hero persona as the Golden Boogey.
Having returned to my house with Mr Kahrl and giving him some time to freshen up and have tea and hot cross buns. We began the trip I had planned and detailed out hour by hour. Off to the SAB world of beer in Newtown Johannesburg (that is downtown Jo'burg or the CBD - central business district). Enroute we experienced world cup fever in its totality, people on the streets blowing vuvuzelas, hanging out of cars and taxis, hooting (honking their horns). It was crazy, but you could feel the true spirit of Africa and her people as the excitment for the opening match at 2pm drew near.
A successful evening of fun and resulting in a deep nights sleep.
Read Justin's version