Thursday, February 23, 2012

My favourite version of me

The girl I wish I still was!
The world really felt like it was at my feet
All the time in the world to make decisions and choices.

I suppose it was a year where I made some really bad choices, things that I regret and wish I could do over.  Alas it came and it went.  I also feel it was a year for me to accomplish something - I don't know what.  A year that taught me to take EVERY opportunity and use it to its full.

I was in the USA, which I really believe God made happen for a reason that I feel I didn't accomplish.

Now I'm 4 years older (gulp), not where that 22 year old version thought she would be.  Looking back she made decisions I would NEVER make now and looking forward from 2008 I'm not who she thought she would be.  Although I'm not much different from 22 year old me - she's part of the girl I currently am, just more life experience and character kind of like a vintage car - keep adding on the miles.

Although I wouldn't say not to a letter from the 85 year old version of me!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weekend Projects - Men in Lieu

Two bread boards & One idea to create a black board to hang jewelry on.
Needless to say I no longer want to smash nails into my bread boards. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Count down to Super Bowl XLVI 3hrs 36min 25sec 24 sec 23 sec. . . . . . you get the point.

Location is set, party will come together in about 18 hours, recording is set, now the only obstacle avoiding hearing the winning team for the next 8 hours at work so that I can enjoy the game watch it fresh and unjaded!

Challenge accepted all systems GO and operation black out commences.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Unpacking the Musical Lyric

I love Lady Antebellum and my January 31st song post.

Listening to the lyrics I have a oxymoronic feeling towards the lyric "Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door" which part of that irks me a little, yet makes me laugh and at the same time scoff?  "Another shot of whiskey" Its funny to me that for the guy in the song to have the same sentiments as the girl he needs to be drinking.

For the girl its a case of looking at old photos and taking that nostalgic trip down memory lane.

The juxtaposition humours me!

My favourite line in this song points to how precious human emotions are, what a gift God's given us to be able to feel and express emotion "Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all" to me that's beautiful.