Walking around DC today, I ventured into the White House Gift Shop (for the first time) and chuckled to myself as I looked at the merchandise on offer.
A Michelle Obama 'carrier bag' the caption below reads "First Lady of Fabulous"
Now I ask why is the White House attached to a parachute and whats with Bambi?
Christmas Ornaments of Michelle Obama - Hmmm*
The Dome of the Capitol building functioning as a Serving Tangine. I have no words. (A tangine is a plate like bottom with a conical shaped lid) I'll buy 8 to complete my dinner set, it screams class?
Michelle Obama bobble head with a Barack Obama action figure. I do own a Barack action figure with the tag line 'An Action Figure We Can Believe In' on Justin's suggestion maybe I should purchase a Michelle bobble head, it will be like owning Ken and Barbie.