Its that time of the year, when you need to buy presents for everyone who is close to you, family - mom, dad, sister, brother, maybe a spouse or your kids; your boy or girl friend; close friends and that one not so close friend who insists on buying you something every year even though you insist its not necessary. So what do you get for these people, if you already know that your mom wants that calendar with photos of you from a recent overseas trip, dad would love a mug with your face on it to so he can drink his coffee and see his favourite daughter, your sister the snow globe with a figurine of you in it and your brother a action figure thats been modeled after you. As awesome as these gift suggestions sound and I'm jealous of the person who already knows what they are getting these special people, I have recently come across an assortment of items that are unconventional, but might help you find that perfect gift for that person you don't have a clue what to get.
Here we have glasses holders, you might think this is limited to the person who wears spectacles, I want to stop you right there, this is perfect for the sun glass wearing as well. For the fun loving individual there are the lovable characters that come in the Peepers® Eyeglass Holder, MOOSE
, giraffe and safari couple. For the more refined individual there is the sophisticated spectacle holder made of wood
, if thats not exactly what your looking for in terms of holders there is the Plush Lined Eyeglass Holder Light Blue
or in black,the sheep skin lining will also protect said glasses from getting scratched. It is a practical and stylish gift.
Going away on a long business trip, or in that long distance relationship where you don't get to see the object of your affection or perhaps you have a girlfriend that is constantly complaining about being alone and single?
Well this half torso is the perfect gift for anyone in that situation, no more lonely nights in bed, no more snuggling with a pillow, now you can snuggle with the half man torso, all the comfort you want at night, to make it seem more personal perhaps you should go through the effort of naming the torso; Italian, Fabrizio; Greek, Christo; Spanish, Javier. The choice is yours and the possibilities endless, I can assure you though that with this gift you'll never be alone at night again.
Since we are on the subject of torso's and bodies I feel the need to point out these wooden figurines, notice how they balance precariously on their arms and there is a hollow place where there stomach should be. Perhaps they will promote the awarness of poverty and world hunger, purchase one for your home or a friend who is geared towards social outreach and be encouraged to give what you don't need to those who are in need.
This statue, is just awkward, I would not purchase it for myself or anyone else, but if you are gutsy and happen to know a person who would proudly display this in their home then please go ahead and add this to you 'get list'.
Finally the gift that screams 'I'm needy'. This his and hers t-shirt (if thats where you are going just buy a towel set) raises the following concerns, never wear me in public, am I a pajama attire and where is an appropriate place to wear this? None of these questions are answerable by me but any thoughts you might have on the issue please feel free to throw them in my direction.
Lastly the singal most appropriate gift this year, especially for that jet setter in your life is the X-ray Hide My Junk Underpants. With the new x-ray machines that have come into use over the last month and the uproar surrounding them these x-ray protection underpants allow 'what I'd assume is a man' to walk through the x-ray machine, with his dignity in tact. With the recent controversy over the probing x-rays and all the air time this topic has received I don't feel a need to embellish the subject anymore, let these underpants speak for themselves and do their job at concealing what you don't want other people to see.
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