One of the explanations as to my current status of disposability, from Rebekah, is "out of sight, out of mind."

I would hope for more of an "absence makes the heart grow fonder" effect, alas we can't get what we want.

The out of sight, out of mind effect seems to extend beyond the reaches of my Saturday blog. Hence the prompting to dig up an old poem book I made in high school...
I was unable to track the origin of 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' but I came across a poem (when I was about 15) written by Sir Walter Raleigh 1552-1618

The out of sight, out of mind effect seems to extend beyond the reaches of my Saturday blog. Hence the prompting to dig up an old poem book I made in high school...
I was unable to track the origin of 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' but I came across a poem (when I was about 15) written by Sir Walter Raleigh 1552-1618
Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
The oftener seen, the most I lust.
The more I lust, the more I smart.
The more I smart, the more I trust.
The more I trust, the heavier heart.
The heavy heart breeds mine unrest.
They absence, therefore, I like best.
The rarer seen, the less in mind.
The less in mind, the lesser pain.
The lesser pain, less grief I find.
The lesser grief, the greater gain.
The greater gain, the merrier I.
Therefore I wish thy sight to fly.
The further off, the more I joy.
The more I joy the happier life.
The happier life, less hurts annoy.
The lesser hurts, pleasure most rife.
Such pleasure rife shall I obtain.
When distance doth depart us twain.
I do pitty the girl he wrote the poem for. Sir Walter an interesting man the hyperlink will take you to his wikipedia page, its worth a read.
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